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Jewellery Styling – A Tool To Project Your Personality

Jewellery Styling – A Tool To Project Your Personality
27 May 2021

What differentiates us from others and makes us unique is our personality. It comes out in the way we think, act, speak and present ourselves. Choosing attires and matching suitable jewellery to it is one of the easiest and most prominent ways of gauging someone’s personality. The same person might give out different vibes in different situations based on their regalia. For example, dressing up for a wedding is surely different from dressing up for a vacation or a business meeting. But the innate personality of the person can shine in all the get-ups if done correctly.

When it comes to accessorising, it is very interesting to style someone based on their personality, personal preference and current trend.

An outgoing person who strikes up a conversation easily and laughs heartily would be feel natural decked up with tassel earrings or Jhumkas that clink around merrily when you strut around happily.

When in a business meeting, your exuding confidence and the charisma to capture the attention of the entire board room can be accentuated using fine jewellery. Pearl studs, simple yet eye catching sober bracelets, light office wear jewellery with striking geometric patterns are some of the option to suit this occasion.

The traditional one is a classic. Dressing up ethnically with matching simple yet traditional jewellery is your thing. Today’s millennials like to own a lot of sustainable vintage jewellery passed down from older generations styled in a minimalistic fashion.

An artistic person finds inspiration from anything and everything. From the colour of the sky to the hues of modern art, anything can be the source of inspiration for a creative mind. This can be showcased in their jewellery styling as well. From traditional antique jewellery to the modern fancy jewellery; from chunky pendants and statement pieces to simple and light daily wear jewellery; from bright and bold diamond jewellery to a simple strand of pearls, an artistic person can make any of these jewelleries shine and still be sure to bring their personality, their personal touch into the look.

Be it a wedding or a party the statement pieces are worn by the most confident women who can grab the attention of any room they walk into. On the contrary, an introvert would be dressed in the most elegant yet subtle way that simply reflects a quiet beauty, sometimes even a whimsical fancy.

There are simply as many types of styling jewelleries as the number of personalities. Just as each personality is unique, each styling is also unique and oh-so-beautiful in its own way.