The healing power of your birthstone

What is My Birthstone
With rare and unique gemstones connected to one’s zodiac signs and birth months, Birthstones and birthstone jewellery have fascinated people for a long time. You don’t need to be a gemstone or birthstone expert to choose a perfect one for you or one to gift your dear ones. We, at Kalyan Jewellers, will help you choose your ideal piece of birthstone jewellery. However, we take, understanding and imparting knowledge as our responsibility too. Here is our primer on birthstone jewellery, each associated to its respective month and related gemstone.
The Concept of Traditional and Modern Gemstones
Zodiac or astrological gemstones (traditional gemstones) are based on Zodiac signs established on a colour system, while modern birthstones are associated to each calendar birth month. Though the idea of birthstone dates back to ancient times, the association of gemstone to corresponding birth month is a relatively modern concept. The practice of wearing gemstones associated to a birth month prevailed in different cultures across the world, in accordance with their birthstone calendars. Each birthstone has a unique meaning and effect on the one wearing it. Modern picks of gemstones are transparent while the traditional list is a mix of both transparent and opaque stones.
The popularity of wearing gemstone jewellery existed in various clans and cultures dating back to ancient times. Many civilisations believed in the protective powers and charm of gemstones in bringing good luck, health and prosperity. However, stones connected with the calendar month are either same or different from the ones that were used during the traditional era. In the past, colour was a distinguisher and the most essential feature of a gemstone, which then transformed to the month based one, the way we use it today.
Refer our birthstone guide below to get a better insight on the modern ideas of the birthstone concept. A few months have equally popular multiple birthstones allowing the user to choose what interests him or her the most.
Whether you’re shopping for yourself or to gift your loved ones, we at Kalyan Jewellers, hope this article throwing light on birthstone jewellery, has helped you understand the basics of gems and their associations month-wise